Couples Therapy

Are you struggling in your relationship? Do you find yourself arguing more, talking without being heard or always on the defensive with your spouse or partner?

Don't let baggage from your past ruin your relationship. Patterns of relating and connecting develop when we are young and can create stumbling blocks that make it difficult to form healthy relationships as an adult.

Couples counseling offers you and your significant other the opportunity to take an honest look at yourselves and your life while working to understand the source of your struggles and break out of old patterns so that you can grow and heal as individuals and a couple. Counseling can provide the support, guidance and tools to reconnect as a couple, repair your relationship, rekindle love, strengthen trust and form the type of relationship you really desire. 

In couples counseling, your counselor can also provide you with tools for conflict management, compromise, effective communication, restoring romance and better alignment as a parenting team.